Tuesday, November 27, 2007

IM and Reference at the Library: Are they a good mix?

I cannot emphasize enough how great I believe instant messaging is for libraries overall and also as a medium by which to receive and answer reference questions. I am so happy that our library is utilizing this technology rather than shying away from it as others seem to be doing. To sum it up: instant messaging and reference at the library, are they a good mix? Yes!!!

IM and Libraries

I believe that instant messaging is a great tool that could really be utilized more by libraries. It connects people with no geographical restrictions, allows time to respond or research without the extra step of placing a customer on hold or having the call drop, and allows the user to compose a message rather than respond orally which can sometimes result in miscommunication. It is also very simple to use!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Locating Blogs and News Feeds

Although I did try to locate feeds and blogs using the designated sites, I must admit that I did not find them to be very helpful. I was disappointed that Feedster was down so I did not get a chance to explore it, but I did try Topix.net, Technorati and Syndic8.com. Maybe it is helpful for people who are unfamiliar with the internet and would have a hard time locating feeds that interest them, but I found that the Bloglines itself did a good job of gauging my interests and recommending feeds that I may want to subscribe to. I guess for me it would be easier to visit the sites and blogs that I normally rely on for news and/or information and add them individually.

My Thoughts on RSS Feeds

I actually enjoyed Thing 9, learning about RSS feeds. I could see where this could be very helpful for people who are pressed for time (which seems to be everyone lately). I believe that libraries could use these feeds to ensure that staff stays abreast of current events and new technology.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My thoughts on Library 2.0

I feel as though it is important for libraries to make the most of new technology, to constantly be evolving in order to meet the needs of the public. I think that this program will give our staff a nice overview of web capabilities and resources whether the function falls into a business/work related realm or merely social. That being said I am happy to have learned that the mandatory participation in this program does not include the creation of a my space page. I personally feel as though I should not have to compromise my belief that an actual social life full of vibrant person to person interaction trumps any virtual one that I could create. It is my belief that the internet offers us a plethora of resources at our fingertips, but that it should never take the place of our real lives or be a substitute for actual human interaction. Call me old fashioned or old school, a handwritten letter received through the mail still brings a smile to my face- a much bigger smile I must add than some email forward that guarantees bad luck if I do not immediately forward it to at least ten friends. It saddens me to think that some children who are coming up in this world today may not know the joy of receiving personal letter through the mail, nor the joy given to another through the simple act of a well executed handwritten thank you note. Anyway... enough of my ranting.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Post!!

Well this is my official first post- I have entered the world of blogging! I found the training to be somewhat interesting. I do believe that it is impossible to prevent yourself from continuing to learn throughout life. Even without actively meaning to, we learn new things every day. Out of the steps that were mentioned I find #3 Viewing problems as challenges to be the hardest. I think for me problems can be frustrating and I need to work on maintaining the positive attitude necessary to view those problems as a learning experience. I found #2 Accepting responsibility for your own learning to be the easiest step. I have always strived to continue to learn and as a person who actively seeks out knowledge I place all of the responsiblility upon my own shoulders. I also find #7 To teach or mentor others to be important because we can never understand the full impact that we have on the life of another, especially a child when we take the time to mentor to them. Well that is all for now!!!